How a Portable Incinerator Can Cut Your Business Spending on Waste Material Disposal
Chances are you’re always looking for new ways to save money on operating costs and to increase your bottom line. Like finding out where to get the most affordable materials. Or, identifying areas where your facility has excess or wastage.
But, there still might be one more place where you’re losing money. And that’s paying an outside company to dispose of your used absorbent materials and other waste.
What if you could do that internally? With a system that meets EPA requirements for burning non-hazardous refuse?
Enter this industry-changing product: the SmartAsh portable incinerator. Now, you can burn your waste management costs — literally!
What is an incinerator?

An incinerator uses intense heat to reduce burnable waste into ash
An incinerator is a furnace unit that burns waste materials at high temperatures, reducing it to ash. The SmartAsh cyclonic barrel burner unit does exactly that. By converting any steel 55-gallon drum into a highly efficient and portable incinerator.
This means you can deploy this mobile waste incinerator just about anywhere. Including temporary work locations such as construction sites. It’s also ideal for use in remote communities, like mining or expedition bases.
How do you use the SmartAsh incinerator?
Not only will SmartAsh save you money, it’s also easy to use with a standard 55-gallon drum. You power the system using either a 120 or 240 volts electricity supply.
Simply load an open-head steel drum three-fourths of the way full with non-hazardous waste. Then, set it alight, close the incinerator lid, and turn up the blower.
The unit creates a whirlwind of fire and intense heat inside the drum. And typically burns at a temperature range between 1,000 and 1,400 Fahrenheit. As a result of this heat and fire combustion process, the waste within the drum reduces to 3% ash. All without smoke or odor!
On average, the unit incinerates 50 lbs of waste per hour. Although, burn time depends on the absorbent type(s) as well as the volume you load into the drum.
What can I burn in an incinerator?
You can use a portable incinerator to dispose of any non-hazardous material. Which covers a wide variety of common industrial and medical waste products. Everything from oily rags and fiberglass filters to wipes, gloves, and masks. Bonus: It even eliminates the second-person-contamination liability problem.
An incinerator is also ideal for eliminating your soiled absorbents. It is suitable for sorbents made of cellulose, peat moss, polypropylene, and corn cob. As well as for burning organic materials like wood shipping pallets and paper waste.
Using the OilAway attachment, it’s even possible to incinerate some type 1 and 2 hydrocarbons. For instance, waste oil, lubricating greases, and diesel fuels.
But, what about items you can’t burn in an incinerator? It is not suitable for the disposal of non-combustible items, including aerosol cans, glass, and dirt. Do not incinerate refuse containing oils with a flash point lower than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This includes flammable class 1 liquid such as alcohol and gasoline. Also, volatile emissions from burning plastic are not acceptable to most permitting requirements.
SmartAsh design features
This incinerator features a heavy-duty, machine-spun, 304-stainless-steel lid and assembly. With quality American Welding Standard (AWS) welding holding the components together.
An elevated stand protects the floor from the heat the unit creates. The internal manual shutter valve allows fine-tuned adjustment of airflow. All of which offer you complete control over the incineration process. The motor covers are simple to remove for easy maintenance and quick air filter access.
The SmartAsh boasts a 330-stainless-steel spark screen, galvanized plenum, and toolbox. It also has a cast iron stir port cover, and a stainless-steel, air-feed hose with quick couplers. Four fast-locking barrel clamps provide a sturdy grip. While the booted toggle switch is weatherproof. The wheels feature brass bearings for smooth mobility.
Need a no-voltage or low-voltage shutdown? The automatic kill switch makes it easy. The electric cord is rear-mounted and shielded, as are the handle and wheels.
Optional incinerator accessories
Two optional accessories are available to enhance the SmartAsh incinerator’s capabilities.
The OilAway attachment pump eliminates waste oil at rates up to 6 gallons per hour. This fuel injection system is for wet loads with a moisture content above 15%. For instance, used motor, jet, or diesel fuels and moist food waste.
SmartHeat works in conjunction with the SmartAsh to save you money on heating and waste disposal costs. It captures and redirects the incinerator’s heat emissions into your building. SmartHeat has a powerful 100 cfm blower that exchanges cool air with warm to heat your facility. All while meeting the EPA’s CFR management standards.
What are the benefits of a portable incinerator?
Most importantly, an incinerator helps save you money after a spill. Or, with waste from cleaning up everyday drips and mess. So you can stop paying someone else to dispose of your used absorbents and paper waste. That is to say, you’ll cut your waste disposal costs in the long term. Because you’re enabling your facility to incinerate its own used absorbents and trash.
Incinerators also offer an alternative waste management disposal solution to landfill. Which avoids some of the undesirable consequences of landfill waste. For instance, hazardous refuse leeching toxic chemicals into the ground. And preventing the production of methane gas.
Additionally, this incinerator burns efficiently and cleanly. So it is virtually smoke—and pollution—free. Because this unit is portable, it is even suitable for remote locations without refuse services. SmartAsh applications include everywhere from boats at sea, to lighthouses, to polar camps.
Furthermore, this portable, self-contained incinerator has approval from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In other words, it meets EPA requirements for air pollution from burnable waste emissions.
We help keep your business costs down
If you’re looking to save some money on operation expenses, consider taking care of your waste disposal internally. By investing in a SmartAsh incineration unit!
Be sure to also check out another environmentally and budget-friendly product. A hand wringer for absorbent materials is ideal for re-using and saving on spill containment and clean-up supplies.
Are you interested in more ways to burn costs at your facilities? To find out how contact Angie Meza at or (800) 869-9633.
This is a revision to a blog post with an original publication date of October 22, 2015